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Sunday, October 2, 2011

OK So Now I'm Gettin' Nervous

Now, you know I'm not much of a talker especially over the telephone so here I am on a blog. Crazy me! Seems easy enough but now the numbers have reached 297 readers. It was only 255 the last time.  I'm becoming a bit anxious. Most of you must be shy, because still no comments from readers...you can do it, it's easy.

Well, I'm trying to get ready to go on a retreat and I keep finding myself in the "hereafter."  That's when you walk into a room and wonder what you are "here after?' I can hear you saying, I've been there!
How about another retreat in January?  I'll let you know as soon as I can finalize a date.   Same type or another theme?
Now on to the new group. I've gotten no more name suggestions but I have multiple ideas from quilters so the format is coming together.  Anyone out there in cyber space that would be willing to assist me in this venture/project? Maybe a partner of sorts.

Back to packing.

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