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Monday, October 24, 2011


Yes, it's time to take a vote on the official name so please fill out the survey when it reaches you.  It should go out tomorrow or later today.

Kathy, Judy, and one other have volunteered to assist in decision making but there's always room for more input. Let me know.  The unofficial "board" has decided that, as agreed,  there will be no club registration fee, but that a voluntary supply donation would be needed in order to function. There is no amount suggested, just whatever you feel will help cover costs of various supplies such as heat and bond, etc.   Perhaps you also have lots of buttons, zippers, or other notions that you could make available. 

Here's a few of the upcoming projects:
foot notes     Xmas and stocking stuffers     brag books     tips and tricks     sew young, sew fun     collapsible storage baskets     completing orphan quilts...just to name a few as the list grows.

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